Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Yule! Merry Solstice!

The winter solstice has arrived - soon the days will become longer and the nights shorter as the wheel turns once again to bring us out of the dark times and into the light at Alban Eilier.  This is a time of peacefulness, of introspection, of family and friends.  It is a time to evaluate the harvest of last year's seeds and start to think about what seeds we will plant this year to bring to fruition. 

My seeds include those for electricity and a water well, and the ultimate of course - hot showers!  But I also wish to plant seeds of hope and faith and tolerance too in these dark woods of ours.  So many thoughts swirling and whirling - for now is the time to begin the process, and to rest and rejuvenate from the hard work behind us.

May this winter solstice bring you much joy, laughter and insight into the next turn of the wheel. 

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Making a "Home"

We've finally moved in to our little cabin in the woods - the home we have dreamed of and worked towards for over 10 years together. We may not have the inside all completed, or have electricity and running water (yet), but we have four solid walls, a firm foundation and a roof over our heads, and we did it together.

Looking out the windows at the beauty of the woods around us, I've realized that making our cabin a "home" took so much more than cutting, nailing, sawing and dragging - it's taken laughter and tears, hugs and encouragement, friends and animals, time and patience.

We have created sacred space, co-mingled blood and sweat into the very fibers of the wood, and established a starting point for a whole new journey together as we continue to grow and build and reinforce the sense of community, tolerance and acceptance that we live by every day.

This cabin is but one building, one step towards our full dream of making Pyrth Annwn a place open to all journeyors of a spiritual path. It is the hearth, the heart of Pyrth Annwn - the place of foundation for all of our future endeavors, and a place filled with love, compassion, friendship, laughter and above all - acceptance.