Monday, August 13, 2007

"Power Over" disease

Why is it that paganism today is swamped with individuals full to the brim with "Power Over" disease? They want Power Over others, power over their local communities, power over their covens, power over events in the area....where in "Do what thou wilt so long as it harm none (including yourself)" does it say...but oh yes, you can completely run someone else's life, or rule by intimidation, or evict people from a group or community because they don't believe exactly as you do? I am so tired of those petty, insecure individuals who feel they MUST be THE ONE and ONLY pagan in their area - that they have to be some kind of "clearing house" for the community at large, needing to provide their stamp of approval on everything.

Why aren't more pagan leaders standing up to these blowhards and protecting the young novices who don't have a clue? How can you sit by and allow this to continue? Why do pagans refuse to "get involved" - afraid of a witch war? scared of being "outed"? Guess what, if we don't protect our true paths, we'll have nowhere safe to walk on this journey. It's time to stand up, be heard, be fearless - and walk the walk that is our faith and belief. Time to put these overbearing dimwits on their butts and out of our communities for good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't this the truth. I see this every dy by certain individuals in our community. I would like to gank this post to my blog just to generate the reaction.