Friday, December 21, 2007

A Story from My Sister - My Solstice Gift to You

My sister, Ahriana, is an amazing woman - always has been, and as we move through life she continues to bring these "a-ha" moments into focus for me. Ahri runs the Colorado Eco-Spirituality Center in Colorado Springs and the center puts out a monthly newsletter. In this month's letter, she included a story about Santa that I just had to share. I highly recommend you check out their site ( and sign up for their newsletter ( It's full of great information, and stories like the one I've copied in below that have great meaning, even for those of us who live several states away. To the right is a picture of Ahri, her husband Mark, and their two little ones, Rhannon and Ryan.


My life, from day to day, is full of interesting conversations. Today was no exception. Across from me, in my office, sat a dear young Heart who timidly asked "Why do we lie to our children about all of this? Why teach them to expect something that just isn't going to be true when they grow up!"

Hmmm - Good question. As our conversation progressed, we explored the whole story. You know the one - big, jolly, rosy-cheeked Bringer-of-gifts who works (with help from Elvin friends) all year to create wonderful things just for us. Initially, I thought; " this sounds like a great way to teach our kids about Spirit - big,loving, Bringer-of-abundance - working (with lots of angelic cohorts) to create for us a beautiful world to share. Sounds very similar, doesn't it?!

Unfortunately, Santa comes with a catch - you must "be good." If you don't, Santa will bring you coal - a black lump of yuck that has very little value unless you own an old fashioned bar-b-que grill! When we consider this, the Santa myth becomes little more than a tool for emotional blackmail. "Better stop pouting - Santa might be watching!" (Though I hate to admit it, I've said it myself!)

And then, if the blackmail were not enough - at about 10 years old or so, our trusting little Ones are confronted with a very harsh reality - "There is no Santa, Sweetie - it's mommy and daddy who buy the presents - but don't tell your brother!" Good Grief! And we perpetuate this every year?! What are we gonna do about this?

Obviously, Santa is a permanent fixture. He's been around for eons and I doubt we can do much to change that. In fact, I am not sure I would want to take away the magic of Santa, even if I could. However, I suggest we rewrite the story a bit. How About this:

Who is Santa, Mommy? "He's one of Spirit's helpers and his whole job is to teach us how to receive in a joy-full way! Now some people think you have to be especially good to get a gift from Santa- but the truth is, Santa loves to give to everybody, and the only thing that stops him from giving is when someones heart is afraid to receive So, your job is to love yourself and to open your heart to all the gifts that are coming your way!"

Can I have everything I want? "In time, you can. Just like Spirit, Santa gives what you are really ready to receive - and receiving takes time. You'll want to have time to play with each gift you've been given, to try it out and see what it will do- and you'll want to make time to be thankful - and when you're thankful, you'll start feeling a big warm glow around your heart. That's called JOY! Joy is something you'll want to give plenty of time to! The best thing is, that big, warm feeling helps to open your heart to even more receiving on another day! That way Spirit can bring good things to you for your whole lifetime!"

And at 10: Mommy - You're Santa, aren't you?! "Remember when I told you that Santa is one of Spirit's helpers? That's true - and yes, it's me. Spirit has been working through me all these years to teach you about the magic of life! If I had told you in the beginning that it was me, you would have missed out on the magic of trusting in someone you don't really know. This way, you had a chance to learn how it works when someone you don't even see every day wants your life to be wonderful! That's what Spirit wants for you, so the story of Santa is one way we teach children to open their hearts to receiving from Spirit.You are so special to me and I want you to have lots of practice at opening your heart to all the wonderful gifts that Spirit has in store for you. We can practice being joy-full together too!

And, did you know that, because you've opened your heart so wide to receive, you are ready to be a helper of Spirit too? This year, you can help me choose the gifts for your little brother - and when its time to share the secret of Spirit with him in a few years - we can do it together!"

Can you imagine how this new story might change the way our children open to the gifts of the Divine? And what about you? What do you believe? What if you don't have to "be good" to live an abundantly blessed existence? What if, every day, all that you need is available to you and all you have to do is open your heart and let it in! What if Spirit is Love - and Spiritual Love has no conditions?

From my family to yours, we send you wishes for a blessed Holy-day season and an amazingly abundant New Year!

Blessed be,


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