Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Preparing to plant

The equinox is almost upon us - it's time to take our seeds of potential and prepare them for planting in the mother's soft earth. Have you taken the time to reflect on what you wish to grow this year? Do you know what goals you want to reach come the autumnal equinox? Have you thought of the sacrifices you may need to make along the way?

In our tradition, we choose our seeds at Imbolc/Candlemas, and we keep them safe on our altars or around our necks, so that each day we can instill into them our hopes and dreams for the coming year. And now, as we reach Alban Eilier/Ostara, the time has come to till the soil and plant those seeds. You have to take the time to add nutrients to the soil, remove the weeds, pull out the rocks and be sure your seeds can stretch and breathe and grow.

And I'm not just talking about the potting soil here - you need to look inside yourself - find the weeds of despair and doubt and pull them out now. Root around for any rocks that might cause you to stumble along the way and remove them. Make sure you take the time each day to feel the sun upon your face, and feel its warmth in your heart.

It takes work to accomplish a garden, whether it be a physical one or a spiritual one. Be sure you're ready to be a consummate gardener this turn of the wheel - and watch your seeds sprout into joy.

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