Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Continuing the Journey (or how I try to keep ducking the Cosmic 2 x 4)

Ah, the Cosmic 2 x 4 - that gentle hand of the Universe, guiding us along our life lesson path...why as humans do we insist on ignoring the gentle prods and pokes and instead only pay attention when we get smacked on the back of the head? You'd think paying attention to all that poking and prodding would start to look good after a while...

but alas, we are only human aren't we?

No matter how far we think we've come, or how much we feel we've learned, there is always another lesson just waiting around the bend for us.

Mine this week is the lesson of release. And I really thought I had this one down too, but - whack! - apparently not.

And so, Aleve in hand, I find myself once again making meditation time for myself each day so that I can reflect on what I've been missing, or what it is that I refuse to release, and hope I get it right this time.

'Cause even for an Aries, we can only take so many hits to the head.

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