Monday, November 17, 2008

New Beginnings

I typed "New Beginnings" into the image search on Google, and this came up as one of the choices - It reads: "These crocuses, poking their heads up through a powder of late snow reminded me of a quote by Albert Camus, 'In the depth of winter, I finally learned that inside me there lay an invincible summer.'"

An invincible summer - a season of joy, energy, hope and celebration - shining through the depths of the coming winter's cold and grey days. What a lovely thought - and so appropriate to what I'm feeling today. After months of being without work, and forcing myself to truly evaluate how I see myself and value myself, the Universe has presented an opportunity that fits everything we've been looking for - a job close to our land, that pays enough to allow us to fulfill our dream of living on our land, and that will allow me to get to know my new community and allow them to get to know me. We'll be closer to friends and chosen family, and finally able to call Pyrth Annwn our true home.

As the cold winds of November swirled around my shoulders today, that invincible summer had me grinning from ear to ear.

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