Friday, January 25, 2008

The Strength of Belief

As we wander through our daily routines, we don't often think about our belief systems, and our faith. We're focused on driving, on work, on balancing the check book and getting something made for tonight's dinner...but how often during each day do you really focus on the strength of your beliefs?

This is something I have vowed to focus on during this turn of the wheel - as priestess, as teacher, as student, as wife - as sister, as daughter, as friend, as journeyor on this planet.

Each day, I am going to make the time to sit at peace with myself, and truly probe the depths of my beliefs and my faith. How much is purely rote? How much would I willingly die for? What would I kill to protect?

Strong thoughts, but ones we have a need to make time for, especially now as the world we know continues to go through amazing transformation - the solar cycle has begun, global warming continues, the ice sheets are melting at a blazing speed, and the winter solstice of 2012 looms on the near horizon. Are we ready for a changed world? Are we prepared? Can we be?


Anonymous said...


I really like this, and I think I might just try this out as well.

I do have a question. what is the significance of Winter Solstice 2012?

Reverend Rio said...

Ah - the Winter Solstice, 2012. Many cultures believe that this will be the timing of a shift in the way the human race continues on this planet. The date December 21st, 2012 A.D., represents an extremely close conjunction of the Winter Solstice Sun with the crossing point of the Galactic Equator (Equator of the Milky Way) and the Ecliptic (path of the Sun), what the ancient Maya recognized as the Sacred Tree. It is also believed that the current solar cycle will hit its maximum sometime between 2011 and 2012, causing unusually high amounts of sun spots which typically cause problems with orbiting satellites and in severe instances can affect electrical utilities on the planet's surface. Some believe that by 2012, the melting ice caps from global warming will actually kick into high gear, raising sea levels and wreaking havoc with coastal communities. And still others have conjectured that by 2012, the magnetic poles will shift, as they have done in the past on earth, with unknown ramifications. So many people, from so many different walks of life - faith based & science-based - are looking at this date, that the universal unconscious has undoubtedly been affected, and as such, I expect "something" will happen on or around the winter solstice 2012 - it will just be interesting to see exactly "what" the something is.

Anonymous said...

I see. Are there any shifts of this nature in past history that could give us an idea? Perhaps the extinction of the dinosaurs or something?

I will be 56 that year. Not really ready to face my own mortality if it is a bad shift. But I worry more about my kids and grandkids. I really want their lives to be easier , but this sounds like there is a possiblitiy of hard times as far as a pole shift.
