I light candles on our altar daily for those needing energy, I read several Pagan boards each day that discuss pagans in the news, the time of the seasons and more, I read a variety of books on pagan/metaphysical/hermetical/quantum physics type topics, and I give thanks everyday for my chosen family, my furry ones and my soul mate. When friends are in need I reach out and offer comfort, whether it be in the form of hugs or chocolate or both.
Maybe it's because I have to be so deep in the closet here, or that there are no other pagans here at the office to speak with. But I don't feel that deep saturation of connection with our faith that I see so obviously in others. Is this something all pagans struggle with?
I think we pagans experience our spiritual belief system differently than Christians for example. Many Christians have a need to promote, proselytize to the uninitiated, whereas pagans don't have that aspect. It affects our presentation and perceptions. I could go on but I think that conveys the idea, for me anyway.
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