And so it begins...from this day forward, the nights begin to gain ground on the days, and our sunlight lessens until the dark of winter embraces us once again. The Fall Equinox is a time of giving thanks - of recognizing the gifts that have been given to us this turn of the wheel, and the sacrifices we have had to make to get to where we are at this point on the wheel.
A lot of times, the sacrifices we have chosen to make are forgotten, but they are an integral part of what brought us to where we are today, and should be remembered. Even the smallest sacrifices have an impact on our journey.
In our tradition, we are asked to make one final sacrifice, in thanksgiving for the gifts the year and harvest have brought to us. A final reminder that nothing comes free, and that all advantages cost a price.
What will you sacrifice, in thanks for all the wheel has brought to you this year? With what material possession could you part, in order to ensure continued growth in the next turn of the wheel?
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