Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Another year has come and gone...

It true, the old saying that time goes REALLY slowly when you're young and just ZOOMS past you like a race car on acid as you get older. Another year of my life has come and gone...and what a year it was.

We've made great strides at Pyrth Annwn, our sanctuary in the Ozarks. We've put in roads, cleared out camping areas, created sacred space and made a home away from home for our Weekenders. This year - hot showers (Yahooie!), a well (finally!), electricity (yeah!) and composting toilets to replace the smelly port-a-johns!

I celebrated my seventh year married to the love of my life - my best friend, my soul mate. This year - happily celebrating the eighth year of our adventure together!

Bren and I have moved (again) one step closer to living on the land itself, and not having to drive just to visit. This year - we'll be living there full time by late summer, and celebrating Yule with friends in our new home.

I found my place at the most incredible job ever - doing my first love of marketing/writing, working in a pagan friendly environment, for pagan-friendly people, in the Ozarks, helping non-profits raise more money for their organizations. And I get to wear sandals and shorts to work. This year - continuing to grow and prosper, along with the company so that we can hire more free-thinkers and grow the FundRaiser family.

I celebrated the next step of the journey on our path with my beloved Sister Ahriana, as she welcomed her first group of students to the Hermetic path in a very long time. To come full circle with her was beyond amazing. This year - to watch as my own students blossom, grow and learn on their journey down this path, and to celebrate with them along the way.

We adopted a beautiful puppy named Cenau who has added warmth, hilarity and quite a bit of mischief to our lives. This year - we're expanding the brood and getting another one so Cenau will have a playmate who, unlike the cats, won't spit and paw at him.

So much to look forward to this year, and so much to celebrate from the last. I am truly blessed in this life, and I stand humble before the God and Goddess, my heart full of love and joy for all those I call Family.

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