Our society is such a go-go-go highway of people moving, doing, being...that we sometimes forget to stop and allow ourselves to really feel. I don't mean to stop and smell the roses or look at a pretty sunset. Instead, I mean to really stop for a moment, and ask ourselves - how do I feel? To take the time needed to really look at that - am I sad? I am. Why am I sad? To take the time to process the emotion so that you can allow yourself to move on.
It can be a pretty scary proposition at first. Think about it - if you really stop for a moment, you could have a whole list of emotions riling around in your body that you've pushed to the side to make way for "getting things done", using the excuse of "not having time now to deal with it" or telling yourself you'll "deal with it later." Well, "later" has become now.
Still mad at a friend for a perceived slight? Angry at your spouse for not changing out the toilet paper roll? Mad at the cat for clawing the furniture? Sad about the death of a writer who had a profound effect on you as a teenager?
All these emotions can get completely swirled up together into a smorgasbord of debilitating feelings - and yet society teaches us to push it all aside for a rainy day when you're alone and no one but you can be inconvenienced with it. Why is that? Why shouldn't we be able to help our friends get through these feelings? Why do we have to be alone to face them? Why don't we face them in the here and now, instead of hiding them behind our spleens until the time is right? It's no surprise our country is full of over-stressed people who have completely lost touch with who they are as beings.
Have you?
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