Ever had one of those days where you just want to crawl back into bed, pull the covers over your head and not wake up til tomorrow? But you have a job, and you need your paycheck, so you drag your sorry butt out of bed, get dressed and present a smile to the world at the office while inside you're wishing you could just turn around and go home?
I had one of those days recently, and the simplest thing turned it all around for me. After slogging through the workday and driving thru traffic, I came home to a HUG. Not a big hug, not an "over the top hug ya til ya can't breathe" hug - just a hug, but it was all I needed. So simple, yet so powerful. Just a little human contact, and a gesture of love and kindness. The whole hug took less than 5 seconds I'm sure. But it completely lifted my spirits.
Am I alone in finding such a small gesture to be such a gift? Why don't we hug more these days? Children hug all the time - watch them next time you're at the park or at a playground. There's an almost constant stream of helping hands, touches on the shoulder and hugs that go on between children. Hugs of encouragement, hugs of laughter, hugs of solace, hugs of accomplishment. When do we stop hugging - and why?
Who have you hugged lately? How did it make you feel? Was it a happy hug or a sad hug? Did you do most of the hugging or did they?
I don't know about you, but I think my hubster is getting a really good hug from me when I get home tonight - just because.
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