The Moon represents the unconscious, both individually and collectively. It is obedient and tends to do what we ask it to, which is why we need to start asking it very clear and specific questions - especially at the time of the New Moon.
And for me, especially this new moon, for it is in the sign of Aries, my birth sign - which means the new beginnings will take on an Arian tinge. Now, if you know or love an Aries, you also know that 1) we're stubborn as hell and 2) we tend to leap into the fray without forethought or planning, because - hey, why wait?
Our lives at Pyrth Annwn sit at a crossroads - with many paths leading forward into the mist. Which path we take will cause great change, not only to ourselves but to all the other people who know us and interact with us. Family, friends, jobs, the events we facilitate, our students, our chosen family, even our furry kiddos will be affected.
And we can't do the whole two steps forward one step back routine. Once we move forward that's it - concrete set, path designated, come what may.
So what choice do we make? Which step do we take? Do we charge headlong into the fray saying damn the fates, all speed ahead...or do we acquiesce to the fates and allow our lives to be completely upended?
Are there really any choices, or are those themselves just an illusion? Are the many paths before us merely one path broken out into separate parts?
So many questions, and so few answers. I will light a red candle tonight beneath the shadow of the new moon and pray for guidance come the dawn.
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