Today, our beloved friend and familiar, Cenau - bear cub in welsh - has gone on to the Elysian Fields, to play with Merlin and Gizmo, and romp through the grasses and chase rabbits.
He went for a last run through the river, his favorite place on the land, and then lay down to sleep beside it's banks, and never woke up.
Our hearts are broken - his beloved side kick Remy is lost - unsure of what has happened and where his protector has gone.

Please, light a candle so he can find his way. May his passage be one of loving warmth and sunny blue skies.
His mortal remains will be buried tonight in the Memory Garden at Pyrth Annwn, but his spirit will continue to the next turn of the wheel.

Tears are in my eyes still as i think about him Mama. I know he will find his way safely, and that he will still poke his head to look down on the lands of Pyrth to check on us. i may have some pictures of him that i have not sent you, i am not sure... if you can handle them right now, let me know. I love you all so much.
Cenau visited us here in spirit on his way to his new home. He touched me, and Lulu, too. I said to Tom and Lovana yesterday, "Doesn't seem to you that Lulu looks bigger today?"
In a dream last night, my favorite people and their dogs visited. There were a lot of BIG dogs, and the dream was filled with sweetness, compassion, joy, adventure, and peace. I didn't know where such a lovely dream had come from, but now I do.
Love and lighting a candle for all of you.
We're so sorry to hear of your loss. He was a wonderful spirit!
Johnnie & Penny
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