Monday, October 15, 2007

The Joys of Chosen Family

Home Again, Home Again....

I came home again this past weekend, when my husband and I attended WytcheHaven, a bi-annual gathering of open-minded and loving people in the Ozarks. This place, this sanctuary of Pyrth Annwn, has become my home, and the fellow "Weekenders" have truly become my family, my hearthkin.

Smiles, hugs, shouts of joy, giggles, laughter - all greet you as you drive up the windy road to the check in station and are greeted by the volunteers. More happy shouts and smiles come as you drive the main road, looking for a good camping spot. Even more come as you start to unpack your vehicle, and folks (some whom you know, others whom you are meeting for the first time) come up and offer to help you get settled.

This place has blossomed into a community of like-minded spirits - a chosen family of love and joy. It's been a week now since we left and returned to Mundania, and still my heart is full of happiness, joy, excitement, optimism and I wish we could meet more than just twice a year.

The sounds of the drums still echo inside of me...I find myself tapping out the beat here at my desk...I can smell the campfires, and in my mind's eye see the dancers as they commune with the flames and salamanders in the revel fire.

Even our young pup, Cenau, wants to go back. Everytime we go out to the cars, he's ready to jump in and head "camping." Ever since we returned, he spends more time outside than in - the pup that used to live stretched out on the floor vent now galavants through our 20 acres like he owns the place.

The freedom of truly being yourself, without fear of judgement or reprisal - to be accepted as you are - how wonderfully liberating that is for the soul, body and mind - how I wish Mundania could instead be like this, so that we could all be one family, one hearthkin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I share your joy Rio. Also the feelings of the place called Pyrth. I hpe we meet again there soon. Love you bunches.
