Thursday, October 25, 2007

Learning to Let Go

It's not an easy thing - to trust your gut and just let allow your faith to guide your actions. Even for Pagans, letting go and allowing the universal divine to guide you through rough patches is a difficult exercise. We're so used to taking the lead, taking personal responsibility, being in control.

There are a select few people in my life whom I respect and admire because they have "mastered" the art of letting go. I've seen them remain calm and cool headed, even under extreme pressures. All because they have faith that the divine will see them through, and that the current events had to happen in order for them to learn a lesson and move forward. They somehow manage to really "be" in the moment, to see the lesson at hand, conceptualize it, understand it and learn from it - all the while they're in this maelstrom of things going haywire.

It's something I strive for - this peaceful place of acceptance and learning. I'm a hard headed Aries, and patience, though a virtue, is not one that comes easy to those of us who enjoy butting our heads into walls.

But I'm trying...and I'm learning. Not just about the many lessons I have yet to understand in this lifetime, but I'm also learning about myself, and my capacity for inner peace, and my ability to help others find that place of acceptance and learning, especially when the sky seems to be falling on our heads.

How about you? What's your capacity for inner peace? Is your faith strong enough to just let go?

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